I finished my project and had my project assessment on October 29th. It went pretty well. Most of my refactoring was done during the live coding and was given one task to do afterwards. I had finished my project assessment early so it left me a few days to rest and refresh until the next deployment of lessons.
Last week, we started learning SQL. SQL stands for “Structured Query Language”. SQL deals creating and querying from a database. We learned how to write methods in Ruby on how to create a table, add to it, and joined tables together.
This week is ORM, which is the technique of accessing a relational database using an object-oriented programming language. This ties in what we’ve been learning in Procedural Ruby and Object-Oriented Ruby. I really enjoy it so far and it’s been simple and straight-forward. ActiveRecord and Sinatra is next on the list and after that, our second project. I can’t wait to get started!