My Portfolio

Showcasing my projects and skills

My name is Chaya Deaver

I am a software engineer with a background in the food service industry. I always had an interest in tech and was the person my family and friends go to for tech help. The previous jobs I held in food service have given me soft skills that lend itself well to a career as a software engineer. I have a thirst for knowledge and am curious to experiment with new things. I recently finished my training at Flatiron School specializing in software engineering and am looking for opportunities to start my first job as a software engineer.

Skills and Technologies

Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, and Redux, Bootstrap
Backend: Ruby, Ruby on Rails
Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase
Other technologies: third-party OAuth using GitHub, Heroku

Slack Clone

A clone of Slack application using React.js for frontend and Firebase for backend while implementing Context API for managing state. CSS styling with Material UI for icons.

Knox Restaurants

A CLI Gem application that fetches from Yelp API to find information about restaurants in Knoxville, TN.

Online Ordering App

A simple web app that showcases user authentication, RESTful routes, Sinatra framework. It shows a cafe menu and the ability to add items to an order, edit an order, and delete an order.

Shopping Cart App

An extension of the Online Ordering App using Ruby on Rails. Allows an admin role to add menu, categories, and items to the database, third-party OAuth via GitHub, and shopping cart functionality.

Chaya's Cafe App

A cafe menu single-page application that uses vanilla JavaScript for frontend and Rails API for backend. Styled using CSS flexbox.

My Family Recipes

A recipe database app using React frontend and Rails backend. Allows a user to create an account, add a recipe with ingredients and update recipes. Styled using Bootstrap and React-Bootstrap

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